Saturday, March 27, 2010

You and Me sygg :))

HUHU.. Hye! Morning ya! Awal sy bngun hari nie kn? HEHE.. Patutnye, i have to go school today, but don't want laa, i really need rest my mind! HUHU.. mcm mcm berlaku kot, so nk stabilkan emosi. HUHU.. Hari nie, adew anugerah kecemerlangan kt skola, and sy terlibat jugak.. tp! bukan ambik hadiah oke! HUHU.. =,=' Tapi utk jage gate utama, yela parents nk datang kn.. kne adew pnyambut, HEHE.. pastu, jd la ala ala polis trafik mcm tu.. HAHA.. kne pkai uniform lgkap pulak tuh, panas kot! HUHU.. so, awal2 da decide tak mau pegi! FULLSTOP! HEHE :DD EMM! nk cite ape ye, yeahh! da ingat.. HUHU.. sejak akhir2 nie, my condition not really good.. mood pun tak bape baik, HUHU.. *sygg, why it must happen to us? HUHU.. now, back to normal.. ye, i realise it. this year, SPM and it so important especially for my future, so i really realise it. Yesterday! yess! dulu kite happy2 kn syg? Tapi lepas dtg nye org baru, u mcm da risaukan i.. HUHU.. org baru? sape?? EMM! ya, someone.. someone who falling in love with you, and it is not eddy, but someone else.. i have to write this! i want u to know that i don't want go to someone else, only you! and i already choose you in my life.. enough! enough for it! yang lain? cume kawan jeww.. HUHU.. i know your feeling, worried, scared, BUT! please trust me sygg.. i know maybe its hard for you to faced it. HUHU.. percayalah, i akan jage diri. i akan cube, i akan jage. oke? don't worry, i don't want to stop here, i want to continue, continue forever and ever.. almost always what u always said to me :) Lupekan psal org len oke? they have their own feeling, wlaupun melibatkan i, i cume anggap die KAWAN sahaja.. Owh! i'm forget! now, already 4 month 1 days.. great! bersyukur sgt.. wlaupun still awal lagi, tapi rase mcm da lame kn syg? HEHEE.. i'm happy with u.. u are my budak, my budak, my budak always.. remember oke! da promise kan? HEHE.. jage la diri, ingat makan selalu.. ingat pesan2 i, dgar cakap mama papa.. belaja elok2 oke? HUHU..

mood: pu yau li khai wo ,
wo siang ni ,
HEHE, xtau mksud syg?
cari la sendiri, i love you :))


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